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About Theresa “Coach T” Pettigrew

theresa pettigrew imgTheresa Pettigrew, affectionately called “Coach T” by her clients is a veteran strength coach with over twenty years of training experience. Her passion for strength training started at a very young age lifting her older brother’s barbells and mismatched dumbbells. Her passion for fitness continued to grow and by age eighteen she was a certified personal trainer with a strong client following. In her tireless pursuit of education and understanding human movement, Coach T has studied under highly renowned clinicians, therapists, and strength coaches. Her many years of experience and education have allowed her the privilege of working with hundreds of clients at all levels, from youth to professional athletes. She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach and a Titleist Golf Performance Coach with specialized training in post-injury rehab and low back disorders. 

Coach T's Corner

Theresa Pettigrew, affectionately called "Coach T" by her clients is a veteran strength coach with over twenty years of training experience.

Are You Contagious???
Are You Contagious???
Imagine with me….you’re on an airplane, cramped and tired, eager to reach your destination. The flight crew is passing by with the snack cart.
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New Year Resolutions
New Year Resolutions
Monday, December 31, 2018
Prolo-therapy Regenerated my Hamstring
Prolo-therapy Regenerated my Hamstring
COACH T 2020A high quality physical life is extremely important to me. Struggling with chronic hip pain was definitely NOT part of this plan!
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